How to effectively define and share the Graanrepubliek vision with the world? How to simultaneously brand a movement, products and locations?
Soil is the very basis for the food we grow, as well as for the production of feed, textiles, wood, and other materials. It provides us with clean water, hosts biodiversity, recycles nutrients, regulates climate, and is part of our landscapes and cultural heritage.
An yet, soil is failing across the world. Including in The Netherlands, in Groningen. That’s why The Young decided to join the cooperative Graanrepubliek, a cooperative of makers and farmers aiming to restore biodiversity in the soil and social cohesion in the East-Groningen region through the reinvention of the grain chain.
At The Young we developed the brand strategy to steer the future of the grain chain system towards change, brought to life in: brand vision and storytelling, identity, photography and film, website, positioning and packaging of commercial products, as well as branding the locations involved in producing grain and making grain products.